Opening ceremony of the 7th International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development held at Mehran University

 Wednesday, February 19, 2025 Hyderabad (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th February, 2025) The opening ceremony of the 7th International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development organized by Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, was held. Addressing the opening ceremony, Energy Sector Expert Engineer Irfan Ahmed said that an environmentally friendly energy transition is taking place, electricity is being generated from wind and solar energy, there are many wind power generation projects in Sindh and wind power is also cheap. He said that if the equipment is made in Pakistan, the cost of the projects will be reduced because at present most of the equipment is being purchased from abroad. He said that Pakistan has a lot of natural and natural sources and resources to generate environmentally friendly energy, but we are not using them properly. Engineer Irfan Ahmed said that due to the cost of buying equipment for wind power generation pr...

The incredible story of the cruelty of parents who killed a young child and buried him in their home

 Our child, Abia, died of a common cold and flu, which we were trying to treat with raw ginger and garlic, the parents said.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Birmingham (News International / Pakistan Point New - NNI. 26 November 2024) A trial is underway in a local court in the UK against parents who killed their three-year-old son and buried him in the garden of their house. During the hearing, the court was told that the three-year-old child, Abia Yasharahiala, who was allegedly killed by his parents and then secretly buried in the back of the house, was suffering from severe malnutrition.

According to a report by a foreign news agency, the remains of the child named Abia Yasharahiala were found in the garden at the back of a house in Birmingham in December 2022, where his parents, named Tai and Nyahami Yasharahiala, previously lived. The couple are on trial at Coventry Crown Court.

According to the report, an examination of the child’s body, which was recovered from the garden of the house, revealed evidence of severe malnutrition, bone fractures, decreased blood and physical growth, bone deformities and dental disease.

The prosecution says that Abia died in late 2019 or early 2020 because his parents did not provide him with adequate food to eat and drink. The child’s parents are accused of having moved to a remote area after 2016, where they put themselves and Abia on an extremely simple diet. They gave up all processed or vitamin and mineral-rich foods, including healthy items such as baby milk and ordinary food.

The court was told that the child’s parents had exposed themselves to poverty, loneliness and illness. On the other hand, the parents claimed in their statement before the court that their child died due to a common cold and flu, which they were trying to treat with raw ginger and garlic. Yasharahiala told the court that one night they felt their son was lifeless while sleeping. During this time, they also tried to give the child first aid (CPR) but then realized that he was dead. In their statement, the parents insisted that the child did not have any signs of illness before death. The parents said that they are accused of causing the child’s death, cruelty to the child and obstructing the path of justice, which they reject. The hearing of the case is ongoing.


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